items here are not listed in any particular order
- allow users of this site to see all posts under a certain tag
- learn rust
- rust bullet hell? would be cute
- alternatively or in tandem, work on rainy lang at some point
- and write up on what rainy lang[1] even is on here instead of letting it just be vibes
- rewrite hanas
- it would be funny to use ory kratos for auth
- port sce to js
- find a way to outline bitmap fonts
- prior work in unifont, but they assume 8x16 - they just draw a box for each pixel and use fontforge to do the rest, though, which is nice
- both of the above could use better parsing utilities in JS - parser combinators :yum:
- is it possible to do streetpass in the browser using webrtc? it appears to be
- peggle nights level editor
- fix audio on thinkpad; seems like its mixing the internal and external mic sources, which is not fun or good for sound quality
in case i haven't yet and someone else is reading this, it's a programming language i want to write to solve some ergonomic issues i feel exist in other lower-level languages ↩︎